{% extends "@openform_front_templates/base.html.twig" %}
{% block bodyAttr %}data-page="detail-page"{% endblock %}
{% set pageSubTitle = entity.Translation[app.request.locale].title %}
{% set metaTitle = entity.Translation[app.request.locale].metaTitle ? entity.Translation[app.request.locale].metaTitle : entity.Translation[app.request.locale].title %}
{% set metaDescription = entity.Translation[app.request.locale].metaDescription %}
{% set metaKeywords = entity.Translation[app.request.locale].metaKeywords %}
{% set pageImage = entity.imagePath ? openform_front_util.getImagePathByType(entity.Thumb,'list') : '' %}
{% set mobile = openform_front_util.isMobileDevice() %}
{% block contentClass %}{% if entity.templateId == 6 and mobile == false %}no-padding{% endif %}{% endblock %}
{% block header %}
{% if entity.templateId == 6 and mobile == false and not entity.textAreaWidth is same as(0) %}
{% else %}
{% include "@openform_front_templates/_includes/_header_mak.html.twig" %}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
{% block content %}
{# WYBRANY SZABLON: nr {{ entity.templateId }} #}
{# no i tutaj jakiś inkludzik czy coś w tym stylu #}
{% if mobile %}
{{ include('@openform_front_templates/AntiqueSuit/_templates/_template-mobile.html.twig', {entity: entity}) }}
{% else %}
<div class="background-mak-default" style="{% if entity.background is defined or rootParent.background is defined %}background-color: {{entity.background is defined and entity.background|length > 0 and entity.background ? entity.background : rootParent.background is defined and rootParent.background|length > 0 ? rootParent.background}}{% endif %}">
{{ include('@openform_front_templates/AntiqueSuit/_templates/_template-' ~ entity.templateId ~ '.html.twig', {entity: entity}) }}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}