{% for block_item in blocks %}
{% if block_item.type == 'text' %}
{% include "@openform_front_templates/_blocks/_text.html.twig" with { block_item } %}
{% elseif block_item.type == 'text_double' %}
{% include "@openform_front_templates/_blocks/_text_double.html.twig" with { block_item } %}
{% elseif block_item.type == 'text_triple' %}
{% include "@openform_front_templates/_blocks/_text_triple.html.twig" with { block_item } %}
{% elseif block_item.type == 'text_with_image' %}
{% include "@openform_front_templates/_blocks/_text_with_image.html.twig" with { block_item } %}
{% elseif block_item.type == 'text_with_youtube' %}
{% include "@openform_front_templates/_blocks/_text_with_youtube.html.twig" with { block_item } %}
{% elseif block_item.type == 'text_with_audio' %}
{% include "@openform_front_templates/_blocks/_audio.html.twig" with { block_item } %}
{% elseif block_item.type == 'gallery' %}
{% include "@openform_front_templates/_blocks/_gallery.html.twig" with { block_item } %}
{% elseif block_item.type == 'links' %}
{% include "@openform_front_templates/_blocks/_links.html.twig" with { block_item } %}
{% elseif block_item.type == 'filesets' %}
{% include "@openform_front_templates/_blocks/_files.html.twig" with { block_item } %}
{% elseif block_item.type == 'logotypes' %}
{% include "@openform_front_templates/_blocks/_logos.html.twig" with { block_item } %}
{% elseif block_item.type == 'faq' %}
{% include "@openform_front_templates/_blocks/_faq.html.twig" with { block_item } %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}