{% set id = '' %}
{% set item = slide.grupped.imagelogo[0]|default(null) %}
{% if item %}
{% set id = item.id %}
{% endif %}
{% if slide.all|length > 0 %}
{% for slides in slide.all %}
{% if slides is iterable %}
{% include "@openform_front_templates/_blocks_sections/_slides/_blocks/_btn.html.twig" with {items: slides} %}
{% else %}
{% if position is not defined or not position or position == false %}
{% if slides.type == 'titleslider' %}
{% include "@openform_front_templates/_blocks_sections/_slides/_blocks/_title.html.twig" with {item: slides} %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% if slides.type == 'btncta' %}
{% include "@openform_front_templates/_blocks_sections/_slides/_blocks/_btnCTA.html.twig" with {item: slides} %}
{% endif %}
{# {% if slides.type == 'btn' %}
{% endif %} #}
{% if slides.type == 'textslider' %}
{% include "@openform_front_templates/_blocks_sections/_slides/_blocks/_text.html.twig" with {item: slides} %}
{% endif %}
{% if slides.type == 'imagelogo' and slides.id != id %}
{% include "@openform_front_templates/_blocks_sections/_slides/_blocks/_logo.html.twig" with {item: slides} %}
{% endif %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}