<section class="block-item block-sponsors">
<div class="block-sponsors__wrapper">
{% if block.Translation[app.request.locale].title|length > 0 %}
<div class="block-sponsors__title">
<h2 class="block-sponsors__title-inner block__h3">{{ block.Translation[app.request.locale].title|nl2br }}</h2>
{% endif %}
{% if block.Logotypes.stat is defined and block.Logotypes.stat %}
{% set images = block.Logotypes.getAllVisibleImages(app.request.locale) %}
{% else %}
{% set images = [] %}
{% endif %}
{% if images|length > 0 %}
<div class="block-sponsors__list">
{% for slide in images %}
<li class="block-sponsors__item">
{% set img = slide.imagePath %}
{% set title = '' %}
{% set alt = '' %}
{% if slide.Translation[app.request.locale].title is defined and slide.Translation[app.request.locale].title %}
{% set title = slide.Translation[app.request.locale].title %}
{% endif %}
{% if slide.Translation[app.request.locale].alt is defined and slide.Translation[app.request.locale].alt %}
{% set alt = slide.Translation[app.request.locale].alt %}
{% endif %}
{% if slide.Translation[app.request.locale].link %}
<a class="block-sponsors__item-content block-sponsors__item-content--link" href="{{ slide.Translation[app.request.locale].link }}" target="_blank">
{% if title|length > 0 %}
<h5 class="block-sponsors__item-title">{{ title }}</h5>
{% endif %}
src="{{ slide.Thumb['sponsors'].filePath ? slide.Thumb['sponsors'].filePath : '' }}"
alt="{{ alt }}"
{% else %}
<div class="block-sponsors__item-content block-sponsors__item-content--block">
{% if title|length > 0 %}
<h5 class="block-sponsors__item-title">{{ title }}</h5>
{% endif %}
src="{{ slide.Thumb['sponsors'].filePath ? slide.Thumb['sponsors'].filePath : '' }}"
alt="{{ alt }}"
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}