Log Messages

Level (7)
Channel (3)
Time Message
info Matched route
deprecation User Deprecated: Since symfony/framework-bundle 5.3: The "session.storage.factory.service" service is deprecated, use "session.storage.factory.native", "session.storage.factory.php_bridge" or "session.storage.factory.mock_file" instead.
deprecation User Deprecated: Since symfony/framework-bundle 5.3: The "session.storage.native" service is deprecated, use "session.storage.factory.native" instead.
deprecation User Deprecated: Since symfony/framework-bundle 5.3: The "session.storage.metadata_bag" service is deprecated, create your own "session.storage.factory" instead.
deprecation User Deprecated: Since symfony/security-core 5.4: Not setting the 5th argument of "Symfony\Component\Security\Core\Authorization\AuthorizationChecker::__construct" to "false" is deprecated.
deprecation User Deprecated: Since symfony/security-bundle 5.4: Setting the $authenticatorManagerEnabled argument of "Symfony\Bundle\SecurityBundle\DataCollector\SecurityDataCollector::__construct" to "false" is deprecated, use the new authenticator system instead.
deprecation User Deprecated: Since symfony/security-bundle 5.4: The "Symfony\Bundle\SecurityBundle\Security\FirewallConfig::allowsAnonymous()" method is deprecated.

There are no log messages.

Container Compilation Logs (0)

Log messages generated during the compilation of the service container.

There are no compiler log messages.